- Made my first answer at Stack Overflow after 8 years and earned my first 4 badges: Census, Informed, Autobiographer, Teacher. Currently tracking Enthusiast badge.
"Be kind and friendly. Avoid sarcasm and be careful with jokes — tone is hard to decipher online. If a situation makes it hard to be friendly, stop participating and move on.
— "Stack Overflow: Code of Conduct
- I now have 7 sites up online powered by Static Site Generators (SSG). More coming. It's a great time to be a webmaster.
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Because great things start from humble beginnings...
- Static Site Generators are the future.
- I like GitKraken but it can be really slow. Learning to live with it.
- My love affair with WordWeb continues in Android and iOS. I want to dig up my old hard disks to remember when we first met.
from the first issue of "chronicles"
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Hello World of Static Site Generators 2019: Jekyll, Hexo, Hugo
Do you wish your website loaded faster and more securely especially on mobile devices?
Do you dream of a true separation of your content from the design?
Do you want to future-proof your content, protect it from the whims of technological change and have it still easily readable 100 years …